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Mr. Gowdy. Well, if it's -- yeah, if we can toll the clock. I mean, I'm already running out of time.

Mr. Comey. Can I have your question again, Mr. Gowdy?

Mr. Gowdy. Pardon me?

Mr. Comey. What's the question again?

Mr. Gowdy. God, if I remember. I think it was whether or not the Bureau made any effort -- oh, I think what I asked is whether or not you had an idea the scope, the breadth, of the number of sources or subsources Steele relied upon.

Mr. Comey. I don't. I have a recollection that there were a variety of sources and subsources, but I don't have a sense of the scope.

Mr. Gowdy. Do you have a sense that the Bureau was able to identify every source and subsource Steele relied upon?

Mr. Comey. I don't know one way or another.

Mr. Gowdy. I'm going to let Mr. Ratcliffe take over from here, other than I'm going to ask you whether hearsay is ordinarily admissible in court or not.

Mr. Comey. Is this a quiz?

Mr. Gowdy. No. Well, if I didn't think you could answer it, I wouldn't have asked you. I know you know the answer.

Mr. Comey. It depends upon whether it fits within one of the exceptions to the hearsay rule.

Mr. Gowdy. Assuming -- what's the general rule? We won't get to the exceptions. The general rule, is hearsay admissible