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the ability to rely upon information that cannot be cross-examined. That's why I want to ask about it. And if you can't see that, then y'all can discuss that on the next break, but I'm going to go back into it, and for now, it will be Mr. Ratcliffe's turn.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Mr. Comey, do you recall that you signed a FISA application on October 21st, 2016, relating to Carter Page?

Mr. Comey. I don't recall the date. I do remember signing such a FISA in October.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Would you have reviewed the FISA application before you signed it?

Mr. Comey. Yes.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Do you recall that the FISA application would have been titled -- or was titled "verified application"?

Mr. Comey. No, I don't recall that.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Don't all FISA applications state that they are verified applications?

Mr. Comey. I don't know. I don't -- sitting here today, I can't remember the word "verified."

Mr. Ratcliffe. What did the FISA application that you signed on October 21st of 2016, aver in terms of probable cause for a warrant on Carter Page?

Ms. Bessee. Congressman, he can only respond to information that's not classified or that's been put out there