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Mr. Ratcliffe. Well, when you talk about getting a warrant and the PC and the importance there, isn't it important for the judge to be able to weigh the reliability and the credibility of all the sources for the information, particularly those that saw or heard the relevant information that serves as the predicate for seeking the warrant?

Mr. Comey. Not necessarily. I mean, I can imagine -- I think I've dealt with warrants where you just identify that your primary CI, or primary source, has subsources, and so long as the court is aware of that phenomenon and that you're speaking to the reliability of the primary source, to my mind, that's a totally legit warrant application.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Who is Sally --

Mr. Comey. And I don't remember this one well enough to comment on it. I'm thinking about other criminal cases I've worked.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Who is Sally Moyer? Sally Moyer?

Mr. Comey. A lawyer in the General Counsel's Office.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Do you know if she was involved in the preparation of the FISA application?

Mr. Comey. I don't.

Mr. Ratcliffe. If she testified -- and I'll represent to you that she testified that the FISA court -- it was 49-51, maybe 50-50, that the FISA court would have approved the warrant without the Steele dossier. If I represent that to you, does