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Mr. Comey. Used to happen to me all the time. People would email me, saying, check this out, check that out, so --

Mr. Meadows. It may happen with the Director, but it didn't happen with the general counsel.

Mr. Comey. Okay. That surprises me a little bit, but in any event, I don't remember him raising it. I don't think it's particularly noteworthy that he wouldn't tell me, but I don't know enough to react to it.

Mr. Meadows. So he says a unique situation that had only, in his mind, happened twice in his history with the Bureau, and you're saying that it was so unique there that -- yet he did not tell you about that? Is that your testimony?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Meadows. That's not your testimony?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Meadows. Or he didn't tell you?

Mr. Comey. No. I -- I didn't -- I heard you characterizing my testimony as me saying it's so unique. I don't remember --

Mr. Meadows. I'm saying he said it was unique; did he tell you?

Mr. Comey. I'm struggling because I haven't seen his testimony. So maybe you could let me look at it during the break, and then I can answer on our next round.

Mr. Meadows. Yeah, it's -- it's just a two -- two