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A Right, to try to understand what are the Russians doing, what's the scope of it, what's its intention.

Q And without getting into the particulars of what they were doing, those things could have included traveling to foreign countries or interviewing witnesses, et cetera?

A Of course. I just don't remember it.

Q And then I just had one more thing. At the end of the last round, there was a long discussion about Mr. Baker and his testimony and how he had testified that there was this unique instance, and I just wanted to read into the record some of his testimony from his second day when he came back, because we saw him twice.

And in that, at the very beginning, he said he wanted to bring up this thing that he had not recalled from the previous one, and I'm just going to read from the record. He said: So I recalled after, just actually a few days ago, that another incident when this time an attorney on behalf of a client came to me and wanted -- came specifically to me and wanted to make information available to the FBI in the form of electronic media that he wanted to get into the --

Mr. Jordan asked: Different case or same case?

Mr. Baker said: Different case.

Mr. Jordan said: Okay.

Mr. Baker said: Well, a completely different case, different attorney, different client, but insisted on meeting