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It begins, question: And what was the initial concern/issue raised in the investigation?

Answer: Well, the initial -- the initial issue was whether there had been interactions of an unlawful nature or that were a threat to the national security or both in connection with the -- at least some people in the now President's campaign with the Russian Federation, witting or unwitting.

Question: And these were related to George Papadopoulos?

Answer: Yes. Information that he conveyed, yes.

Question: Can you confirm that the initial allegation that started the Russia counterintelligence investigation had nothing to do with the Steele dossier?

And there's an interruption by the counsel to caution him to answer in an unclassified setting.

And then he answers, answer: Based on the information that I have seen in the public domain, I think I can answer it. And I think the answer is it did not have to do with the dossier.

Director Comey, do you agree with Mr. Baker that the initial allegation in the FBI's counterintelligence operation into the Trump campaign's potential coordination with the Russian Government, quote/unquote, had nothing to do with the Steele dossier?

Mr. Comey. Yes. That's correct.

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. And do you agree the initial allegation was actually related to information that George