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knowledge of workings inside the FBI New York. And then my recollection is there were other stories that were in the same ballpark that gave me a general concern that we may have a leak problem -- unauthorized disclosure problem out of New York, and so I asked that it be investigated.

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Oh, okay. So the investigation began at some point after you asked for the investigation to start?

Mr. Comey. I think sometime in October, maybe they didn't get going on it until November, an effort led by our internal affairs component, as I understand it, began to try and understand, do we have leaks and what are they?

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. And to your knowledge, has anyone been held accountable for these purported leaks?

Mr. Comey. Not to my knowledge. The investigation ultimately led to disciplining of FBI Deputy Director McCabe because the investigation turned up communications that he had apparently authorized about a pending investigation of the Clinton Foundation, but I don't know beyond that.

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. How about anything related to the New York field office?

Mr. Comey. I don't -- I never got a report out on that before I was fired.

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. I see. Okay. Here's the concern, Director Comey. If no one's been held accountable, especially from the New York field office, and if there are leaks from the