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Mr. Comey. I don't know that I can give you a thoughtful enough answer sitting here after 5 hours of questions. I'd have to think about that one because it's an important question I would not want to answer causally. So I'm going to have to take a rain check on that one. Yeah.

Maybe the one thing is, as you exercise incredibly important oversight power, I said earlier, I think this branch of government has neglected its authorities and needs to assert its authorities, but in doing that, to be sensitive about the need to coordinate with ongoing investigations so nothing happens to affect or to cast doubt on the credibility of an ongoing investigation.

Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Very good. Let me just make sure I don't have a final question here for you.

I think that's it for me. Thank you.

Mr. Comey. Thank you.

Mr. Deutch. Mr. Comey, thanks for being here. Nice to see you again.

Mr. Comey. You too.

Mr. Deutch. Just one quick followup to what you just said that this branch that has neglected its responsibilities shouldn't act in a way that would cast doubt on any of the investigations. You're referring -- are you referring to the actions of this branch in recent days or years?

Mr. Comey. Not in the second part of that sentence; in the