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concerned that President Trump fired you in an attempt to obstruct the FBI's investigation into the Russia matter?

Mr. Comey. No, it doesn't surprise me at all.

Mr. Deutch. Turning just for a moment before I wrap up to summer -- earlier summer of 2018, July 29th, in fact, the President tweeted, and I quote: There is no collusion. The Robert Mueller rigged witch hunt headed now by 17, increased from 13, including an Obama White House lawyer, angry Democrats, was started by a fraudulent dossier paid for by crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the witch hunt is an illegal scam.

Mr. Comey, was the FBI's investigation into Russian interference and potential coordination with the Trump campaign started by a fraudulent dossier?

Mr. Comey. It was not.

Mr. Deutch. Can you explain how you know that?

Mr. Comey. Because I know what the basis was for starting the investigation. It was the information we'd received about a conversation that a Trump foreign -- campaign foreign policy adviser had with an individual in London about stolen emails that the Russians had that would be harmful to Hillary Clinton. It was weeks or months later that the so-called Steele dossier came to our attention.

Mr. Deutch. Was there anything illegal or improper about the way the FBI started the Trump-Russia investigation?

Mr. Comey. No. And, in fact, I would hope that