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there is at least circumstantial evidence in that regard, and there may be more that the Mueller team will assemble, end of quote.

So I guess my first question was, were you aware of individuals charged -- that were charged as of that writing?

Mr. Comey. I don't think I meant -- I can't think of anybody I was thinking of, if that makes sense.

Ms. Plaskett. Right.

Mr. Comey. I wasn't -- I don't -- maybe that's an awkward sentence construction, but I don't think I was trying to carve somebody out.

Ms. Plaskett. But were you, in your mind, thinking of people who you believe would probably be charged but had not been charged as yet?

Mr. Comey. I don't think so.

Ms. Plaskett. Okay. And what were the circumstantial evidence that you were referring to?

Mr. Comey. That the President of the United States asked me to drop a pending criminal investigation.

Ms. Plaskett. And that's --

Mr. Comey. And did it after clearing the room and removing my boss and the Vice-President of the United States from the room in order to speak to me alone.

Ms. Plaskett. Okay. And those were the only pieces of circumstantial evidence that you had?