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And just in going to that earlier comment, you obviously you see now, today, of the final results of Director Flynn in terms of the Mueller indictment on the very facts that you were dealing with, and I just want to put that on the record.

I would like to introduce the following exhibit, No. 5, and which is pages 90 to 91 of the transcript from former FBI general counsel James Baker's October 18, 2018, interview with the committee. It reads: Did you also have concerns that the statements by the President were requesting that the FBI drop the investigation of General Flynn?

Mr. Comey. I'm sorry, I thought you were reading his statement.

Ms. Jackson Lee. The answer is yes. Forgive me.

And why would it be concerning if the President asked the FBI to drop the investigation of his national security advisor?

You said: Well, it's an --

Mr. Comey. Jim Baker said.

Ms. Jackson Lee. Jim Baker.

It's an investigation, period. It's the President, I mean, I guess you would say breaking the norm in that sense, the President actually intervening --

Let me be very clear. I'm reading Jim Baker's comments. Thank you very much.

-- intervening while it's going on with respect to a particular investigation.