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that, but I've since seen him try to say other things.

Ms. Jackson Lee. Well, you're a quintessential law enforcement officer and you know that is probably the tendency of any witness to walk back. Is that not true?

Mr. Comey. No, the tendency of this witness is trying to be fair and open minded.

Ms. Jackson Lee. No, I'm projecting it to the President. Anybody who's being asked about something they said and it gets a lot of fury, it is a tendency to walk back.

Mr. Comey. Well, it depends upon the person. Some people will try to walk back things, others not.

Ms. Jackson Lee. Were you also worried that it would hurt the FBI's credibility and reputation for independence?

Mr. Comey. Yes.

Ms. Jackson Lee. Thank you.

Mr. Comey. Thank you.

Mr. Raskin. Mr. Comey, I'm Jamie Raskin from Maryland. I want to start, Director Comey, with your written testimony of the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8th of 2017, when you wrote about your famous dinner with President Trump at the White House on January 27th. And you said that the President was trying to, quote, create some sort of patronage relationship. And at one point he said to you, quote, I need loyalty. I expect loyalty. Is that your recollection?

Mr. Comey. Yes.