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talked around these subjects and were sufficiently vague as to not implicate the classification requirements.

Mr. Gowdy. She also said that no records were destroyed, that they were all retained. Do you recall her saying that?

Mr. Comey. I don't remember. I believe you, but I don't remember that.

Mr. Gowdy. Do you recall her saying her attorneys were overly inclusive in what they considered to be public as opposed to private?

Mr. Comey. No, I don't remember that one.

Mr. Gowdy. You agree false statements sometimes is as much evidence of intent as you're going to get?

Mr. Comey. In some cases.

Mr. Gowdy. Demonstrably false exculpatory statements.

Mr. Comey. Hard to answer in the abstract, but in some cases it can be your best evidence.

Mr. Jordan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Director, I want to have you look at an email, if you would, please. I'm more concerned with the second email where the from line is McCabe, Andrew McCabe. I'll give you a minute to look it over and then just want to run through it.

Mr. Comey. The one dated Sunday, January 8th?

Mr. Jordan. Yes, 12:08.

Mr. Comey. Okay, I've read it.

Mr. Jordan. Okay. So in the first line: "According to