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occasionally I would see names that seemed like they couldn't be random. Those both seem kind of random to me.

Mr. Jordan. So is it customary for any investigation the FBI does, it receives some code name or some name?

Mr. Comey. I think no. Almost -- maybe all of the classified counterintelligence investigations are given a code name that's unclassified so that people who are outside of a classified space can make reference to it without giving anything away.

Mr. Jordan. Is this a random list, you know, that sometimes we hear some algorithm giving us this -- spitting us out this information, or are these just people on the investigation coming up with a name that they choose?

Mr. Comey. I don't know. I never found -- I was curious about the name Midyear Exam, so I used to ask. Never found any reason to think it was connected in any way to the case or the circumstances of it. But there were -- as I said, there were other cases where I saw names -- I can't remember right now -- that seemed like they were tailored. This one didn't seem tailored to me.

Mr. Jordan. Does the same answer apply to Crossfire Hurricane?

Mr. Comey. Yes.

Mr. Jordan. Okay.

Mr. Ratcliffe. Mr. Comey, I want you to have the benefit