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would like to know in advance how much more, many rounds you need. I mean, we went through a full day today.

Chairman Goodlatte. Got it. We'll do the best we can on that. And we will --

Mr. Gaetz. Before we go off the record, Mr. Chairman, I have a question. The rules that I don't consider myself bound by but that were expressed earlier in the committee, do those carry over to the subsequent questioning of the witness, or is it the interpretation of the chairs that during the -- that this is a suspension of the questioning but not a suspension of the rules package which you believe binds the members?

Mr. Goodlatte. I was just about to get to that. I think that the best way to proceed would be to release the transcript tomorrow, and it will be available at some point tomorrow, and that comment by Mr. Comey and anyone else is fair game after the conclusion of this. And then we'll impose the same rules when we get to the second one.

Mr. Kelley. We agree that's appropriate.

Mr. Goodlatte. Very good.

Ms. Sachsman Grooms. Back on the record. Just two quick follow-up questions.