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itself was genuine, which is a separate question, though, from whether it was what it said was accurate.

Mr. Cohen. When you say it was genuine, I mean, did you not think that at this point that it was conjured up by the Russians to try to maybe influence actions at the Justice Department or at the FBI?

Mr. Comey. We didn't think that at the time. I don't know whether that view has changed.

Mr. Cohen. Okay. Was Peter Strzok considered the top counterintelligence FBI agent?

Mr. Comey. I don't know whether Peter Strzok was considered the top. He was very highly regarded as a counterintelligence professional, and I saw that borne out in the nature and quality of his work with me. But whether he's the top or not, I don't know, but certainly among the best.

Mr. Cohen. In the past, had his work not resulted in the outing of some Russian spies and their being returned to Russian, expelled from this country?

Mr. Comey. I don't remember specifically. I just remember his reputation was very, very strong in the counterintelligence world.

Mr. Cohen. So it would make sense that he would be assigned to this investigation?

Mr. Comey. It would make sense that he'd be assigned to the investigation into the potential mishandling of classified