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I'll note that Robert Mueller is well-known to be a lifelong Republican.

Now, generally speaking, does being identified as a Democrat mean a prosecutor would be too conflicted to conduct a fair investigation of a Republican or vice versa?

Mr. Comey. No, it does not.

Mr. Nadler. Are you aware of any, quote, "conflicted" people on the special counsel's team?

Mr. Comey. I am not.

Mr. Nadler. Do you agree with the characterization that the special counsel's investigation is a witch hunt?

Mr. Comey. I do not.

Mr. Nadler. What is your general impression of the individuals on the special counsel's team?

Mr. Comey. I know them by reputation, and it's an all-star team of people whose names I've known for years as great Federal prosecutors. Others are unknown to me. But I know the reputation and substance of the person leading them, the best. Although we're not friends, I admire Bob Mueller. He is more than people realize.

Mr. Nadler. Do you agree with the characterization that the special counsel's team is out of control and are not seeking the truth?

Mr. Comey. I don't have any reason to believe that's true.