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damage the Trump campaign at the highest levels of the Department of Justice or the FBI?

Mr. Comey. I am not.

Mr. Nadler. Are you aware of any actions ever taken to personally target Donald Trump at the highest levels of the Department of Justice or the FBI?

Mr. Comey. I am not.

Mr. Nadler. And you have previously noted, I believe, that if Agent Strzok, who had expressed his personal political opinions negatively about then-candidate Trump, had wanted to misuse his office to damage the Trump campaign, he could easily have done so by leaking information about the fact that there was an ongoing investigation. Is that not correct?

Mr. Comey. Certainly, yes.

Mr. Nadler. And he could have done that, but he did not do that?

Mr. Comey. He did not.

Mr. Nadler. That would be evidence that he was not doing anything to bring his political opinions into making judgments at the FBI?

Mr. Comey. Certainly inconsistent with the conspiracy theory that he was trying to hurt Donald Trump. If you're going to have a conspiracy theory, you've got to explain all the facts. And it's hard to reconcile his not leaking that Trump associates were under investigation and his drafting of a letter to Congress