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realize that's a mistake.

Mr. Nadler. Thank you. I have no further questions.

Ms. Jackson Lee.

Ms. Jackson Lee. Good morning, moving into good afternoon. Thank you for your presence here.

I want to put on the record that Democrats never received a copy of the agreement. So I hope that, in short order, the majority will provide us with the agreement regarding the quashing of the subpoena.

Mr. Kelley. I will be more than happy to, and its merely an email correspondence.

Ms. Jackson Lee. I appreciate getting something in writing. Thank you so very much.

Let me thank you, Mr. Comey, for your service to the Nation. I share your view that the American people would have been better served if the lame duck House Republican majority of this committee had scheduled a public hearing instead of a private interview behind closed doors to discuss matters that are vital to the health of our democracy.

I fully expect that to be a standard practice for this committee in the 116th Congress under a new Democratic majority. So I have several questions, which I'd like to lay the predicate for.

Dealing with the FBI investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, the investigation was an outgrowth of the House