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from a week or so ago.

Mr. Gowdy. All right. So you're the only one that heard it, it had no impact on you, and you chose to share it.

Mr. Comey. Those three things are true. Implicit in your question is some connection among the three. I'm just agreeing those three things are true.

Mr. Gowdy. Okay.

Mr. Comey. It didn't have an impact on the investigation. I heard it -- I was the only one in the room besides the President. And I briefed the senior leadership team of the FBI.

Mr. Gowdy. What I'm trying to do, Director Comey, is contrast -- well, we'll do it this way. I'll ask you, when any of the comments were uttered by President Obama on either of the investigations we just went over, Petraeus or Hillary Clinton, they were public comments. Did you also gather your senior staff around to make sure that those comments did not impact any decisions they made?

Mr. Comey. I don't recall ever gathering them to discuss -- let me back up for a second. I don't recall talking to my senior staff about whether President Obama was going to have an impact on our investigations. I don't.

Mr. Gowdy. Can you understand my curiosity why you would publish a private comment to make sure it did not impact them but not take up a public comment to make sure it did not impact them?

Mr. Kelley. Is that a question?