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Mr. Gowdy. Had Michael Flynn ever repeated that he had never spoken to the Russian Ambassador or, if so, limited the scope of conduct to something you knew not to be true?

Mr. Comey. I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand that question.

Mr. Gowdy. Had Michael Flynn ever publicly said that he had not talked to the Russian Ambassador or limited the scope of that conversation in a way such that you knew to not be true?

Mr. Comey. I don't believe Mr. Flynn made any public comments about his interactions with the Russians certainly before the agents interviewed him on January 24th.

Mr. Gowdy. What is the Logan Act?

Mr. Comey. It's a criminal statute that, as I understand it, in general, prohibits private citizens from engaging in negotiations with foreign powers on behalf of the United States Government.

Mr. Gowdy. How many times has it been prosecuted in our country's jurisprudence?

Mr. Comey. I don't know. I have some recollection that there were prosecutions 100 years ago or something like that, but that's about all I recall.

Mr. Gowdy. Any successful prosecutions?

Mr. Comey. I don't know one way or the other.

Mr. Gowdy. So, again, I'm trying to understand. It is not the FBI's job, unless I'm mistaken, to correct false statements