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Mr. Jordan. To Mr. Gowdy's question, you asked the reason you went to interview General Flynn was because statements made by the Vice President contradicted what you knew that he had said in -- he, Flynn -- had said in conversations with Ambassador Kislyak.

And all I'm asking is, was that the only reason you went to him, or was there other things that were said in his conversations with Mr. Kislyak that caused you concern and you wanted to go talk to him?

Mr. Comey. The Vice President had said that the National Security Advisor had told the Vice President that the subject of sanctions never came up in General Flynn's conversations with the Russians. That's my memory of what the Vice President said. We knew that was not true.

Mr. Jordan. You knew that sanctions had come up in the conversation.

Mr. Comey. Correct.

Mr. Jordan. But that, in and of itself, is not a problem.

Mr. Comey. Is not --

Mr. Jordan. The fact that the Vice President -- or, excuse me, the fact that incoming National Security Advisor talks with -- at this time, he could've already been National Security Advisor, but -- incoming National Security Advisor talks with the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, that's not a problem. Your concern was that the Vice President was reporting publicly or