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Mr. Jordan. Why didn't you brief the President on the entire dossier? Why just that part?

Mr. Comey. Well, that's why I'm hesitating and saying I'm not sure whether it was mentioned, I don't think it was, in the first session, but it was written about in the document that was left, the so-called ICA, the intelligence community assessment.

But I don't remember General Clapper talking about reporting from the Steele reports in that first session. I could be wrong, but I don't remember it. I remember it clearly in the written document that was left but not in his oral presentation.

Mr. Jordan. Did you choose just to brief the President-elect on the salacious part of the dossier, or was that something Clapper and the rest of the team had instructed you to brief the President on in just the private meeting with you and the President?

Mr. Comey. Well, ultimately, it was Clapper's call. I agreed -- we agreed that it made sense for me to do it and to do it privately, separately. So I don't want to make it sound like I was ordered to do it.

Mr. Jordan. So I guess what --

Mr. Comey. I agreed that it made sense.

Mr. Jordan. -- what I'm saying is, if it was -- I just want to know why. Why didn't you brief him on the whole thing, talk about this dossier put together by a foreign intelligence source, we have this information? Why just the salacious part? Why not