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Mr. Jordan. -- that, but that's fine.

Mr. Comey. After the President called back -- and I think it was April 11th -- to ask about it again, the President said -- when I told him I had relayed his request, the President said he would have the White House Counsel follow up directly with the Department of Justice to get an answer.

And I think my chief of staff spoke to Mr. Boente at that point to tell him that we'd gotten another call, and Mr. Boente said, in substance, "Oh, God, I was hoping that would go away." And --

Mr. Jordan. Wait, wait. Say that again. Acting Attorney General Boente said what?

Mr. Comey. My recollection is he said something to the effect of, "Oh, God, I was hoping that would go away" when he was contacted the second time to say the President wanted to know the answer.

Mr. Jordan. And the second time, that contact was from you or White House Counsel?

Mr. Comey. No. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm screwing it up.

The President called me March 30th. I relayed his request to the Acting Attorney General. I didn't hear back.

The President calls me again. Again, I think it's April 11th. Says, "What did you do with what I had asked?" I told him I had given it to the Acting Attorney General. And we had a conversation where he said he understood the way to proceed