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Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Gowdy. Did anyone at the FBI?

Mr. Comey. Not to my knowledge.

Mr. Gowdy. President Obama said Mrs. Clinton had not tried to, quote, "hide anything or squirrel away information." Do you know how he knew that?

Mr. Comey. I don't.

Mr. Gowdy. In fact, were all of her emails located?

Mr. Comey. You have to clarify that, Mr. Gowdy. "All of her emails," meaning what?

Mr. Gowdy. Any one that she would have generated during the time period that she was Secretary of State that possibly could've involved public record.

Mr. Comey. I don't know.

Mr. Gowdy. Well, were any destroyed?

Mr. Comey. Yes, by her --

Mr. Gowdy. Then, if they were destroyed, they weren't located. I'm not trying to ask you a trick question. If they were destroyed, they weren't located.

Mr. Comey. Well, that's one of the reasons I'm hesitating, is there were emails that, by her account, were destroyed. We found a lot of emails, including after late October. Whether those that we found were the same as that which had been destroyed is impossible to answer.

Mr. Gowdy. When President Trump asked you to see your way to