Page:Comical story of Thrummy Cap and the Ghaist (3).pdf/21

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temper to carry him to the greatest excess. His mamma hail a little dog named Pom- pey He was a pretty little creature, and had been taught many droll tricks; he would present his paw gracefully, dance on his hind legs, and fetch and carry delight- fully. As he was very gentle, William was extremely fond of playing with him. Pompey yielded to all his little master's whims at times, but if he happened to have a bone, or was eating a little meat, he would never be in the humour for a dance. One morning, when mamma had gone out, William wished to have a little play with him. Pompey had a chicken bone in his mouth; and was lying under the sofa, to eat it at his ease. William in vain endeav- pured to draw him thence. Not being a- ble to succeed, he wished to take the bone from him, being the obstacle of his wishes. Pompey growled, shewed his teeth, and finished by biting. William, in a rage, seized a broom, and gave him so violent a blow, that he broke his leg, Pompey cri- ed aloud. The child, astonished at the sight of what he had done, was in the ut- most despair. He took the little dog on