Page:Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (3).pdf/5

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           a little of it along in a train to the fire-
           side; then perceiving when his master
           went into it, and as he was loosing down
           his breeches, sets fire to the train, which
           blew it all about his master's backside
           which scorched him terribly, besides the
           fright for which Tom was severely whipt.
           Yet, in a little after, he began to study
           revenge on his master.
             So it happened one day as Tom was in
           the master's house, his wife was stoop-
           ing into a big meal-barrel, for to bring out
           some meal; there he takes her by the feet
           and coups her up into the barrel with her
           head down and her bare b---side upper-
           most; then runs into the school, crying
           O master! master! the de'il's looking out
           o' your meal-stand; wi' a fat face, and a
           black ill-far'd mouth; yon's just Auld
           Nick if he be living. So the master ran
           out with all speed he could, for to see
           what it was; and found it to be his own
           wife, speechless, and almost smothered
           to death; but as she could not tell who
           did it, Tom got clear off; yet he was not
           satisfied without some more vengeance on
           the old fellow: and knowing his master
           had a fashion, when he was going to whip
           the boys if they would not loose their
           breeches willingly, he drew his knife and
           cut them through the waistband behind: