Page:Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Letter to OGE on Kellyanne Conway's Endorsement of Trump Brand.pdf/1

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February 9, 2017

The Honorable Walter M. Shaub. Jr. Director

US. Office of Government Ethics l201 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC. 20005

Dear Mr. Shaub:

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway gave apublic interview diis morning that raised extremely serious concerns. During Lhe interview, Conway advertised and endorsed a commercial line of products associated with President Trump's daughter. Ivanka Trump.’ Conway was acting in her official capacity, was identified as “Counselor to President Trump." and gave the interview at the White House in front of the White House seal.2 During the interview, Conway discussed the decision by some U.S. companies to cease sales of products From lvatikn’s fashion line, which is named aficr lvanka and in which she holds an ownership stake.3

In the course of the interview, Conway repeatedly and explicitly endorsed lvanka Trump‘s products. She stated, “Go buy lvanka”s stuff is what I would tell you.” Later. she said, “It’s a wonderful line. I own some ofit. 1 fully 7 I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today. everybody. You can find it online ‘ Conway’s statements clearly violate the ethical principles for federal employees and are unacceptable. The White House‘s reported decision to counsel Conway supports this conclusion.‘

Conway’s statements appear to violate federal ethics regulations, which prohibit auliuns that imply a government endorsement of the “personal activities" of another person. Specifically, Office of Govcrmncnt Ethics (OGE) regulations state:

lAJn employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office in a manner that

I Fax (a Friends (Fox News television broadcast Feb. 9, 2017)

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5 E g , Louis Nelson, Wm llmlsa: Conway my: um 'Cmmreled’for‘ Urgng People :0 Big! lvanka’: Products, Pounce, Feb. e, 2017, available a] htrpzy’lvm'wpolirico com/storylZUl 7/Ul’ke|lyanne»conway-ivanka-uordsu’om» white-hoiise-react—Zldfljé.