Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 03.djvu/30

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called a big game, and had admired his handsome, slightly melancholy, and always imperturbed and calm countenance, his hesitating Little-Russian pronunciation, his beautiful things and horses, his leisurely Little-Russian dash, and, especially, his ability to lead a game in a reserved, precise, and agreeable manner. I must confess that more than once, as I looked at his full white hands, with a diamond ring on one forefinger, beating my cards one after another, I was furious at this ring, at the white hands, at the whole person of the adjutant, and evil thoughts in regard to him came to me; but, upon reflecting later more calmly, I convinced myself that he was simply more clever at cards than any of those men with whom he happened to play. This became the more apparent when I listened to his general reflections on the game, how one must not back out, having raised the small stakes, how one must pass under certain conditions, how it was the first rule to play for cash, and so forth: in short, it was clear that he was always winning because he was more intelligent and calm than any of us. Now it turned out that this calm and collected gambler had been cleaned out at the front, not only of his money, but even of his things, which for an officer means the last stage of losing.

"He always has devilish luck with me," continued Lieutenant O———. "I have sworn I would never play with him again."

"What a queer chap you are, my friend!" said Sh———, winking at me with a motion of his whole head and addressing O———. "You must have lost about three hundred roubles to him, I know you have!"

"More," angrily said the lieutenant.

"And it is only now that you see through it ! Eather late, my friend. Everybody knows that he is our regimental cheat," said Sh———, with difficulty repressing his laugh and well satisfied with his remark. "We have here Gúskov with us: it is he who fixes the cards for him.