Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/116

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Scene XVII. Nikíta and Akulína.

Akulína (enter, in caftan. Puts down the rope, takes off her caftan, and goes into the storeroom). Why don't you strike a light?

Nikíta. To look at you? I can see you without a light.

Akulína. Go to!

Scene XVIII. The same and Anyútka.

Anyútka (running in, in a whisper to Nikíta). Nikíta, go quickly, there is some one asking for you truly.

Nikíta. Who?

Anyútka. Marína from the railroad. She is standing around the corner.

Nikíta. You are fibbing.

Anyútka. Truly.

Nikíta. What does she want?

Anyútka. She wants you to come out. "I have but a word to say to Nikíta," says she. I began to ask her what it was, but she would not tell me. She asked me whether it was true that you are going to leave us. I told her that it was not true, that your father wanted to take you home and get you married, but that you had refused, and would stay another year with us. Then says she: "Send him to me, for Christ's sake. I must by all means speak one word to him." She has been waiting for quite awhile. Go to her.

Nikíta. God be with her,—I won't go.

Anyútka. She says that if you do not come she will go into the house to you. "Truly, I will," says she.

Nikíta. Never mind. She will stay there awhile, and then she will go away.