Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/132

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Scene XV. Nikíta and Anísya.

Anísya. Oh, my wretched head! There is something behind his words. (Walks over to Nikita.) You said that the money was under the floor, but I did not find it there.

Nikíta (weeping, does not answer). I have never been wronged by him. See what I have done to him!

Anísya. Stop that. Where is the money?

Nikíta (angrily). Who knows? Look for it yourself!

Anísya. You are dreadfully compassionate.

Nikíta. I am sorry for him. I am so sorry. How he wept! Oh!

Anísya. I declare, you are soft-hearted! A good person you have found to pity! He has been scolding you and even now he ordered me to drive you away from the farm. You had better pity me.

Nikíta. What am I to pity you for?

Anísya. He will hide the money, and then die.

Nikíta. No, he won't.

Anísya. O Nikíta! He has sent for his sister,—he wants to give it to her. It will be our misfortune. How shall we live if he gives the money away? They will send me away from the farm. You ought to help me in this. Did you not tell me that he climbed into the loft yesterday?

Nikíta. I saw him coming out of it; but I do not know where he put the money.

Anísya. Oh, my head! I will go and look there. (Nikita walks away.)

Scene XVI. The same and Matréna (comes out of the hut. Walks down the steps to Anísya and Nikíta, in a whisper).

Matréna. Don't go anywhere! He has the money on his person. He has it on his baptismal cross.