Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/248

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(Aside.) That is nice. Kápchich can't be here to-day, so we will test him— No, my dear, don't be afraid, he will make you a good husband, and all that. This is a special power which is in everybody,—only weaker in some, and stronger in others.

Tánya. Very much obliged to you. I sha'n't give it any thought now. But before, I was afraid. This comes from our ignorance!

Leoníd Fédorovich. No, no, don't be afraid! Fédor!

Scene LIX. The same and Fédor Iványch.

Leoníd Fédorovich. I am going away. Have everything ready for the séance this evening!

Fédor Iványch. But Kápchich cannot be here.

Leoníd Fédorovich. That does not matter. We will have it all the same. (Puts on his overcoat.) There will be a trial séance with our own medium. (Exit. Fédor Iványch sees him off.)

Scene LX. Tánya (alone).

Tánya. He believed me, he believed me! (Squeaks and leaps about.) Upon my word, he believed me! What a wonder! (Squeaks.) I will do it now, if only Semén is not shy.

Scene LXI. Tánya and Fédor Iványch (returning).

Fédor Iványch. Well, have you told him your secret?

Tánya. I have. I will tell it to you, too, only later. I have a request to make of you, Fédor Iványch.

Fédor Iványch. What request is it?

Tánya (abashed). You have been like a second father to me, and so I will tell you everything, as before God.