Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/257

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Scene VI. The same and Semén.

Semén. Tea and sugar!

First Peasant. Do us the favour and sit down.

Semén (walking up to the table). My humblest thanks! (First Peasant pours out a glass of tea for him.)

Second Peasant. Where have you been?

Semén. Up-stairs.

Second Peasant. What were you doing there?

Semén. I can't make it out. I don't know how to tell it.

Second Peasant. What kind of a thing was it?

Semén. I do not know how to tell it. They were testing some power in me. I can't make it out. Tatyána said to me: "Do it," says she, "and we will get him to sell the land to our peasants."

Second Peasant. How is she going to do it?

Semén. I can't make it out, for she does not tell. All she says is: "Do as I tell you!"

Second Peasant. Do what?

Semén. Really nothing at all. They put me in a chair, then they put out the lights, and told me to sleep. Tatyána was hid near by. They did not see her, but I did.

Second Peasant. What was that for?

Semén. God knows,—I can't make it out.

First Peasant. Of course, for pastime.

Second Peasant. Evidently you and I can't understand it. Tell me how much money have you spent?

Semén. Not any. I have saved everything: twenty-eight roubles, I think.

Second Peasant. That is good. If God grants us to get the land, Semén, I will take you home with me.

Semén. That would please me.

Second Peasant. You are spoilt, I am afraid. You won't like to do the ploughing.