Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/259

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Scene VII. The same and Grigóri. (The old cook hastens to hide himself.)

Grigóri (to the cook). Let me have sour cabbage!

Cook. I have just come back from the cellar, and I have to go there again. Who needs it?

Grigóri. The young ladies want sour soup with croutons. Lively there! Send it up with Semén, for I have no time!

Cook. They stuff themselves with sweets, until they can't swallow any more, and then they want cabbage.

First Peasant. For cleaning out, so to speak.

Cook. Yes, they make room for more stuffing! (Takes a bowl and exit.)

Scene VIII. The same without Cook.

Grigóri (to the peasants). How comfortable you look here! Look out! The lady will find it out, and then she will give you an overhauling which will be worse than what it was in the morning. (Laughs and exit.)

Scene IX. The peasants, Semén, and Old Cook (on the oven).

First Peasant. In rivality, she did storm then,—it was just terrible!

Second Peasant. At that time he wanted to take our part, but when he saw that she was tearing the roof down, he slammed the door, as much as to say: "All right, carry on as you please!"

Third Peasant (waving his hand). There is not much difference. Many a time, let me say, my old woman flames up terribly. Then I leave the house. Let her carry on! At such times I am afraid that she might hit me with the oven-fork. O Lord!