Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/268

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Second Peasant. Why do you pull her in?

Tánya. Because.

Second Peasant. Has she made such a vow?

Tánya. No, for beauty's sake.

First Peasant. That is, you lace her belly for form's sake.

Tánya. I pull her in so that her eyes all bulge out, but she says: "More!" It makes both my hands smart, and you say I have no strength. (The peasants laugh and shake their heads.)

Tánya. I have chatted too long. (Runs away, laughing.)

Third Peasant. How the girl has amused us!

First Peasant. How accurate she is!

Second Peasant. She is all right.

Scene XV. Three peasants, Cook, Old Cook (on the oven). Enter Sakhátov and Vasíli Leonídych. Sakhátov has a teaspoon in his hand.

Vasíli Leonídych. Not exactly a dinner, but a déjeuner dinatoire. It was a fine breakfast, let me tell you! The ham was glorious! Roulier feeds you nicely. I have just come back. (Seeing the peasants.) The peasants are again here?

Sakhátov. Yes, yes, that is all very beautiful, but we have come to conceal an object. So, where had we better put it?

Vasíli Leonídych. Pardon me, I will at once— (To the Cook.) Where are the dogs?

Cook. The dogs are in the coachman's room. How could we keep them in the servants' room?

Vasíli Leonídych. Ah, in the coachman's room? Very well.

Sakhátov. I am waiting.

Vasíli Leonídych. Pardon, pardon. Ah, what? Con-