Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/271

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ceal it? Yes, Sergyéy Ivánovich, so let me tell you: let us put it into the pocket of one of these peasants. Into this fellow's pocket. Say! Ah, what? Where is your pocket?

Third Peasant. What do you want with my pocket? I declare, my pocket! I have money in my pocket.

Vasíli Leonídych. Well, and where is your purse?

Third Peasant. What do you want with it?

Cook. What are you doing? This is the young master.

Vasíli Leonídych (laughing). Do you know why he is so frightened? I will tell you why: he has a lot of money. Ah, what?

Sakhátov. Yes, yes, I understand. You talk with them, and in the meantime I will put it into this wallet, so that they shall not know anything and shall not be able to tell him. You talk with them.

Vasíli Leonídych. At once, at once. Well, boys, are you going to buy the land? Ah, what?

First Peasant. We have preposed so with all our hearts. But somehow the affair does not originate into motion.

Vasíli Leonídych. Don't be stingy! The land is an important matter. I told you to sow mint. You might plant tobacco, too.

First Peasant. This is so, in rivality. We can sow all kinds of produces.

Third Peasant. Good sir, can't you ask your father for us? Else how are we to live? Our land is small: there is not enough room, let me say, to drive out a cow, nay, not even a chick.

Sakhátov (having placed the spoon in the wallet of the Third Peasant). C'est fait. Ready. Let us go! (Exit.)

Vasíli Leonídych. Don't be stingy, ah? Well, good-bye! (Exit.)