Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/273

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Scene XVII. Silence. Sighs. Then are heard the thud of footsteps, the din of voices, and the door is opened wide, and there rush in headlong: Grossmann with tied up eyes, holding Sakhátov's hand, the Professor and Doctor, Stout Lady and Leoníd Fédorovich, Betsy and Petríshchev, Vasíli Leonídych and Márya Konstantínovna, Anna Pávlovna and Baroness, Fédor Iványch and Tánya. Three peasants, Cook, and Old Cook (invisible). (Peasants jump up. Grossmann enters with rapid steps, then stops.)

Stout Lady. Don't worry! I have undertaken to watch it, and I strictly fulfil my duty. Sergyéy Ivánovich, you are not leading him?

Sakhátov. No.

Stout Lady. Don't lead him, but, on the other hand, don't oppose yourself! (To Leoníd Fédorovich.) I know these experiments, I used to make them myself. I would feel the efflux, and the moment I felt—

Leoníd Fédorovich. Permit me to ask you to observe silence.

Stout Lady. Ah, I understand that well! I have experienced it myself. The moment my attention was distracted, I could not—

Leoníd Fédorovich. Hush—

(They walk around, searching near First and Second Peasant, and then walk over to Third Peasant. Grossmann runs up against a bench.)

Baroness. Mais dites-moi, on le paye?

Anna Pávlovna. Je ne saurais vous dire.

Baroness. Mais c'est un monsieur?

Anna Pávlovna. Oh! oui.

Baroness. Ça tient du miraculeux. N'est-ce pas? Comment est-ce qu'il trouve?

Anna Pávlovna. Je ne saurais vous dire. Mon mari vous l'expliquera. (Seeing the peasants, looks around