Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/281

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Action takes place, the same evening, in a small drawing-room, where all the tests of Leonid Fédorovich are made.

Scene I. Leoníd Fédorovich and Professor.

Leoníd Fédorovich. Well, shall we risk a séance with our new medium?

Professor. By all means. The medium is unquestionably a powerful one. Besides, it is desirable that the mediumistic séance should be this evening and with the same composition of the audience. Grossmann will, no doubt, have an effect on the mediumistic energy, and then the connection and oneness of the phenomena will be much more manifest. You will see that if the medium will be as strong as before, Grossmann will vibrate.

Leoníd Fédorovich. In that case, you know, I will send for Semén, and will invite volunteers.

Professor. Yes, yes. In the meantime I want to make a few notes. (Takes out a note-book and writes.)

Scene II. The same and Sakhátov.

Sakhátov. They have just sat down to cards in Anna Pávlovna's apartments. Being an odd number, and, besides, having an interest in the séance, I have made my appearance here. Well, will there be a séance?

Leoníd Fédorovich. There will be, by all means.