Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/290

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as you did before! Sit down and abandon yourself to your feeling! Don't do any thinking.

Semén. Why should I think? It is only worse if you do.

Leoníd Fédorovich. That's it, that's it! The less you are conscious, the stronger it will be. Don't do any thinking, and abandon yourself to your mood: if you feel like sleeping, sleep; if you feel like walking, walk; you understand?

Semén. Why should I not understand? There is no cunning in this!

Leoníd Fédorovich. The main thing is not to get confused, for you might be surprised at yourself. You must understand that just as we live, so the invisible world of spirits lives with us.

Fédor Iványch (correcting him). Unseen feelings, you understand?

Semén (laughing). Why should I not? What you say is so simple.

Leoníd Fédorovich. If you feel like rising in the air, or something like it, don't lose courage.

Semén. Why should I lose courage? What do I care?

Leoníd Fédorovich. Well, then I will go and call them all. Is everything ready?

Fédor Iványch. I think, yes.

Leoníd Fédorovich. And the slates?

Fédor Iványch. They are down-stairs. I will bring them in at once. (Exit.)

Scene XIII. Leoníd Fédorovich and Semén.

Leoníd Fédorovich. Well, all right, then. So don't get confused, and be at your ease!

Semén. Shall I take off my coat? That will make me more at my ease.