Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/292

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Tánya. Do everything right, Semén dear. Only do everything, and don't be afraid! He will sign the paper, you will see he will. They are coming. (Crawls under the sofa.)

Scene XVI. Semén and Tánya. Enter: Grossmann, Professor, Leoníd Fédorovich, Stout Lady, Sakhátov, and Anna Pávlovna. Semén stands at the door.

Leoníd Fédorovich. If you please, all unbelievers! Notwithstanding the fact that to-night we have a new, casual medium, I expect some remarkable manifestations.

Sakhátov. Very, very interesting!

Stout Lady (pointing to Semén). Mais il est très bien!

Anna Pávlovna. As a peasant of the pantry, only—

Sakhátov. Wives never believe in the affairs of their husbands. You do not admit at all?

Anna Pávlovna. Of course not. In Kápchich, it is true, there is something especial, but not so much, either.

Stout Lady. Excuse me, Anna Pávlovna, you must not judge this way. Before I was married I once had a remarkable dream. You know, there are dreams of such a kind that you do not know when they begin and when they end. So I had such a dream—

Scene XVII. The same, Vasíli Leonídych and Petríshchev (enter).

Stout Lady. I had much revealed to me in that dream. Nowadays these young people (pointing to Petríshchev and to Vasíli Leonídych) deny everything.

Vasíli Leonídych. I never deny anything, let me tell you. Ah, what?