Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/320

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Anna Pávlovna. You are crazy! Don't you see? (To the Countess.) Merci, mille fois merci! A mardi! (Countess and First Footman exeunt.)

Scene XVII. Fédor Iványch, Anna Pávlovna, Grigóri, and Semén.

Anna Pávlovna (to Grigóri). What is this?

Grigóri. Although I am only a lackey, I have my pride, and I will not allow any peasant to push me.

Anna Pávlovna. But what has happened?

Grigóri. Semén has become stuck up from having sat with gentlemen, and now he fights.

Anna Pávlovna. What is it? For what?

Grigóri. God knows.

Anna Pávlovna (to Semén). What does this mean?

Semén. Let him keep away from her!

Anna Pávlovna. What has happened between you?

Semén (smiling). It is like this: he keeps grabbing chambermaid Tánya, and she does not want him to do it. So I pushed him a little aside.

Grigóri. I should say he did push me aside! He nearly broke my ribs. He has torn my dress coat. He said: "My strength of yesterday has come back to me," and he began to choke me.

Anna Pávlovna (to Semén). How dare you fight in my house?

Fédor Iványch. Permit me to inform you, Anna Pávlovna, that Semén has certain feelings for Tánya, and as they are engaged to be married, and Grigóri - I must tell you the truth--acts badly and dishonourably, I suppose, Semén would not stand his behaviour.

Grigóri. Not at all. It is all because they are angry, knowing that I am up to their trickery.

Anna Pávlovna. What trickery?

Grigóri. At the séance. All the tricks of last night