Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/322

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Leoníd Fédorovich. That is, how? I do not understand what deception you are speaking about.

Anna Pávlovna. You ought to be ashamed! You have gray hair, and yet they deceive you like a boy and make fun of you. You begrudge your son some paltry three hundred roubles to help him in his social standing, and you yourself are cheated out of thousands like the greatest fool.

Leoníd Fédorovich. Annette, calm yourself!

First Peasant. We are only in the reception of the sum, so to speak—

Third Peasant (draws out the money). Send us away, for Christ's sake!

Anna Pávlovna. Wait, wait!

Scene XX. The same, Grigóri, and Tánya.

Anna Pávlovna (sternly to Tánya). Were you in the drawing-room last night during the séance?

(Tánya, sighing, looks at Fédor Iványch, Leonid Fedorovich, and Semén.)

Grigóri. You needn't beat around the bush. I saw you there myself—

Anna Pávlovna. Speak! Were you there? I know everything, so you had better confess. I only want to accuse him (pointing to Leoníd Fédorovich) —the master. Did you throw the paper on the table?

Tánya. I do not know what to answer, except to ask you to let me go home.

Anna Pávlovna (to Leoníd Fédorovich). Now, you see, they have been fooling you.

Scene XXI. The same. Enter Betsy in the beginning of the scene and stands unnoticed.

Tánya. Let me go, Anna Pávlovna!

Anna Pávlovna. No, my dear! You may have