Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/324

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be that this girl wanted to cheat: this often happens; and it may be that she really did do something; but what she did, she did, and that which was a manifestation of mediumistic energy was a manifestation of mediumistic energy. It is even very probable that that which this girl did, evoked, solicitated, so to speak, the manifestation of mediumistic energy, and gave it definite form.

Anna Pávlovna. Another lecture!

Professor (sternly). You say, Anna Pávlovna, that this girl, and maybe this charming young lady, did something; but the light which we all saw, and in the first case the fall, and in the second the rise of the temperature, and Grossmann's agitation and vibration,—well, did the girl do that, too? But these are facts, facts, Anna Pávlovna! Anna Pávlovna, there are things which must be investigated and fully understood in order to speak of them,—things which are too serious, too serious—

Leoníd Fédorovich. And the child whom Márya Vasilevna saw plainly? I myself saw it. This girl could not do that!

Anna Pávlovna. You think that you are clever? But I tell you you are a fool!

Leoníd Fédorovich. Well, I will go away—Aleksyéy Vladímirovich, come to my room. (Goes into the cabinet.)

Professor (shrugging his shoulders, follows him). Oh, how far removed from Europe we still are!

Scene XXIII. Anna Pávlovna, three peasants, Fédor Iványch, Tánya, Betsy, Grigóri, Semén, and Yákov (enter).

Anna Pávlovna (to retreating Leonid Fédorovich). They have cheated him like a fool, and he does not see anything. (To Yákov.) What do you want?

Yákov. For how many persons shall I set the table?

Anna Pávlovna. For how many? Fédor Iványch,