Page:Complete Works of Lewis Carroll.djvu/1301

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(c) and for every portion of any such period of 3 months over and above every complete period.

You are requested to answer the following questions, in reference to a Postal Order for 10/. (on which the "original poundage" would be 1d.) issued during the month of January, so that the ist "period" would consist of the months February, March, April; the 2nd would consist of the months May, June, July; and the 3rd would consist of the months August, September, October.

(1) Supposing the Rule to consist of clause (a) only, on what day would a "Commission" begin to be charge- able.? ( ) (2) What would be its amount.? ( ) (3) Supposing the Rule to consist of clauses (a) and (b), on what day would the lowest "Commission" begin to be chargeable? ( ) (4) What would be its amount? ( ) (5) On what day would a larger "Commission" (be- ing the sum of 2 "Commissions") begin to be chargeable? ( ) (6) What would be its amount? ( ) (7) On what day would a yet larger "Commission" begin to be chargeable? ( ) (8) What would be its amount? ( ) (9) Taking the Rule as consisting of all 3 clauses, in which of the above-named 3 "periods" does clause (c) first begin to take effect? ( ) (10) Which day, of any "period," is the earliest on which it can be said that a "portion" of the "period" has elapsed? ( ) (11) On what day would the lowest "Commission" begin to be chargeable ? ( ) (12) What would be its amount? ( )