Page:Complete Works of Lewis Carroll.djvu/810

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Like ane wi' thirstie appetite
Quha swalloweth orange pulp,
Wes hearde a huggle an a bite,
A swallow an a gulp.

Ye kynge hes lap frae aff hiz steid,
Outbrayde[1] hiz trenchant brande;
"Quha on my packe of hondes doth feed,
Maun deye benead thilke hande."

Sae sed, sae dune: ye stonderes[2] hearde
Fou many a mickle[3] stroke,
Sowns[4] lyke ye flappynge of a birde,
A struggle an a choke.

Owte of ye cave scarce fette[5] they ytte,
Wi pow[6] an push and hau[7]
Whereof Y've drawne a littel bytte,
Bot durst not draw ytte au.[8]

  1. drawn.
  2. bystanders.
  3. heavy.
  4. sounds.
  5. fetched.
  6. pull.
  7. haul.
  8. all.