Page:Complete Works of Menno Simons.djvu/305

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preachers of his class, support deceiving lies; and that we, through the grace of God, support the sure foundation of truth. I, herewith, humbly beseech and faithfully admonish all my readers, friends, and enemies, that they will attentively read, assiduously examine, and judge according to Scripture this my forced reply and defense, not with partiality, not drowsily and spitefully, but with care and impartiality. This matter is of like importance to us all, namely, the the praise of God, and of Christ, and the salvation of our poor souls. Let none imagine that he is not accepted.

There is but one road and gate that leads to life, which is a strait road. Matt. 7: 13, also, but one doctrine. If we wish to enter with Christ into the kingdom of his glory, we must all walk the strait way and enter in at the narrow gate and be obedient to his word; of this let every one be aware.

Since, then, it is evident that Gellius, and the learned, base their doctrines, sacraments, &c., mainly upon human wisdom, garbled Scriptures, upon ideas and opinions; and that we base ours upon God's word; that he and his followers walk upon the broad road, and that our followers walk upon the strait road; that he is not persecuted, but does persecute by his writings; and, on the other hand, that we are persecuted and do not retaliate; therefore, all right-minded persons must admit that the truth and the true church is not with them, but with us; for it is an infallible rule as proven by the word of God and the example of all the pious, that where the true church is, there also are and necessarily must be the saving doctrine, true sacraments, unfeigned love, a pious, godly life, and the excommunion or separation of the impenitent and perverse, according to the word of God; as may be clearly educed, by the grace of God, from the following replication.

I would, therefore, earnestly pray all the pious, for God's sake, that they would assist me by their ardent prayers to the Most High, that he will bestow upon me, a poor, weak man, together with my beloved brethren and faithful servants in the Lord, the gift of his grace and the power of his wisdom; so that we may silence all opponents, by virtue of true doctrine and an unblamable walk, and thus maintain to the end, the house of our God, in pure, godly zeal and Christian love, to the honor and praise of his great name, to whom be praise and the eternal kingdom, Amen.