Page:Complete Works of Menno Simons.djvu/391

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adultery, whoredom, and other sins and disgraces and follow after them, so that the church in such case, almost destroyed and ruined, scarcely is worthy of the name."

Answer. I would beseech the diligent reader earnestly to observe how the words of Gellins sound, which I have here cited at length. He admits that the church, deceived and enchanted by the devil, the lusts of the flesh, the pomp, sects, and potentates of the world, has become drowsy, inattentive, ungrateful, and an apostate of Christ, has enraged God, and fallen into all manner of wickedness and sins; yet he claims that she remains the church of Christ, as if the church was inherited by one generation from another, and did not consist in faith, Spirit, and power. I would not know what poorer excuse he could find. Therefore observe that which I write, and let it be unto you a certain rule, namely, where the Spirit, word, sacraments, and life of Christ are found, that there the Nicene article comes in, "I believe in the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, &c. On the other hand, where the Spirit, word, sacraments, and life of Christ are not to be found, but where the spirit, doctrine, sacraments, and life of anti-Christ are followed, there, also, is the church of anti-Christ, and not the church of Christ, although we might say a thousand times, "I believe in the holy Christian church." For without, or against the Spirit, word, sacraments, and life of Christ, there can never be a Christian church, however much we may pervert the truth. The word stands immutable. "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God," 2 John 9.

In the twelfth place he writes, "Because God, in his grace, has made an eternal covenant with his church, and has promised her that the gates of hell, although they may rend and weaken her, shall not thoroughly prevail against her, therefore he will, at all times, preserve a shadow of the evangelical doctrine and of his sacraments, upon which the church shall be upheld; and he will also preserve some members upon the true foundation, who will grow up amidst the thistles, thorns, wolves, bears, and lions, and deliver them as in a violent hurricane, from the elements, as Noah was saved from the deluge."

Answer. Where they conform themselves to the Spirit, word, sacraments, ordinances, commands, prohibitions, usage, and example of Christ, there the holy Christian church is found, as has been heard, and there is also the promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. For although she grows as a rose amongst thorns, as he expresses himself, keeps herself amongst wolves, bears, and lions, and as a ship cast about by wind and waves, she must suffer much tribulation, yet she cannot be capsized, that is, she cannot be turned from Christ (understand this to be the true Christian church); for she is built upon a rock, Matt. 7: 24.

That this is the truth, the Scriptures and their examples teach us on every hand; and we also have found it so by facts, within the last few years. For, however fiercely the lions, bears, and wolves have roared, raved, and torn, for the last few years, by their frightful mandates, apprehending, torturing, and murdering; and, although the waves often roll up to the clouds, yet the manifested truth remains with the humble and pious children; and however sharply the thistles and thorns may sting, yet this noble and beautiful rose daily grows, and, praise be to God, increases in size and strength, whereby it is made manifest unto many reasonable persons, that God's promise to the church stands firm, and it is the miracle and power of the Most High; for neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate them from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Rom. 8: 38, 39.

Yet this thoughtless man thinks that they are the true, Christian church, and does not observe that the beforementioned thistles, thorns, wolves, bears, and lions, by which the true church has been so much troubled, and still continues to be, are members of the very church which he claims were and yet are the true church of Christ. For they, during the last few centuries, have used one sacrament, and, unseparated, were greeted as the children of grace, and were admitted and accepted in the communion of these churches.

He, besides, also consoles the poor people that the Lord has, at all times, preserved a shadow of the evangelical doctrine and of his sacraments upon which to support his