Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/107

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Holy Communion.

My soul, what dost thou? Answer me—
Love God, who loves thee well:—
Love only does he ask of thee,
Canst thou his love repel?

See, how on earth for love of thee,
In lowly form of bread,
The sovereign good and majesty
His dwelling-place has made.

He bids thee now his friendship prove,
And at his table eat;
To share the bread of life and love,
His own true flesh thy meat.

What other gift so great, so high,
Could God himself impart?
Could love divine do more to buy
The love of thy poor heart?

Though once, in agonies of pain,
Upon the cross he died,
A love so great, not even then
Was wholly satisfied.

Not till the hour when he had found
The sweet, mysterious way
To join his heart in closest bond
To thy poor heart of clay.