Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/269

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Introd.—I. The Passion of Jesus Christ.

fering at all; but no: he chose a life of sorrow and contempt, and a death of bitterness and ignominy even to the expiring on a cross, the gibbet of infamy, the award of vilest criminals: He humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross.[1] But why, if he could have ransomed us without suffering, why should he choose to die, and to die on a cross? To show us how he loved us. He loved us, and delivered Himself for us.[2] He loved us, and because he loved us, he delivered him self up to sorrows, and ignominies, and to a death more cruel than ever any man endured in this world.

Hence that great lover of Jesus Christ, St. Paul, took occasion to say: The charity of Christ presseth us.[3] Wishing to show us by these words that it is not so much the sufferings themselves of Jesus Christ as his love in enduring them, that obliges us, and, as it were, constrains us to love him. Let us hear what St. Francis de Sales says on this text: "When we remember that Jesus Christ, true God, has loved us to such an excess as to suffer death, and the death of the cross, for us, our hearts are, as it were, put in a wine-press, and suffer violence, until love be extorted from them, but a violence which, the stronger it is, becomes the more delightful."[4] He then goes on to say, "Ah! why do we not therefore cast our selves on Jesus crucified, to die on the cross with him, who has chosen to die for love of us? I will hold him (should we say), and I will never let him go; I will die with him, and will be consumed in the flames of his love. One flame shall consume this divine Creator and his miserable creature. My Jesus gives himself unreservedly to me, and I give myself unreservedly to him. I will live

  1. "Humiliavit semetipsum, factus obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis."Phil. ii. 8.
  2. "Dilexit nos, et tradidit semetipsum pro nobis."Eph. v. 2.
  3. "Charitas Christi urget nos."—2 Cor. v. 14.
  4. Love of God, B. 7, c. 8.