Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/278

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The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.

reserve. "He gave thee all," says St. John Chrysostom; "He left nothing for himself."[1]

The Council of Trent says,[2] that in this gift of the Eucharist Jesus Christ desired, as it were, to pour forth all the riches of the love he had for men. And the Apostle observes, that Jesus desired to bestow this gift upon men on the very night itself when they were planning his death: The same night in which He was betrayed, He took bread; and giving thanks, broke and said: Take ye, and eat: this is My body.[3] St. Bernardine of Sienna says, that Jesus Christ, burning with love for us, and not content with being prepared to give his life for us, was constrained by the excess of his love to work a greater work before he died; and this was to give his own body for our food.[4]

This Sacrament, therefore, was rightly named by St. Thomas, "the Sacrament of love, the pledge of love."[5] Sacrament of love; for love was the only motive which induced Jesus Christ to give us in it his whole self, Pledge of love; so that if we had ever doubted his love, we should have in this sacrament a pledge of it: as if our Redeemer, in leaving us this gift, had said: O souls, if you ever doubt my love, behold, I leave you myself in this Sacrament: with such a pledge, you can never any more doubt that I love you, and love you to excess. But more, St. Bernard calls this sacrament "the love of loves;"[6] because this gift comprehends all the other gifts

  1. "Totum tibi dedit, nihil sibi reliquit."
  2. "Divitias divini sui erga homines amoris velut effudit."Sess. xiii. c. 2.
  3. "In qua nocte tradebatur, accepit panem, et gratias agens fregit, et dixit: Accipite et manducate; hoc est corpus meum."—1 Cor. xi. 23.
  4. "In illo fervoris excessu, quando paratus erat pro nobis mori, ab excessu amoris majus opus agere coactus est, quam umquam operatus fuit, dare nobis corpus in cibum."Loco cit.
  5. "Sacramentum charitatis, Pignus charitatis."
  6. "Amor amorum."